Unity through Opportunity

Knowledge is the most valueable commodity and - as with any natural resource - availability is the key.

Our I.M.P.A.C.T. Initiative is a multi-organizational, international partnership to provide developing communities with the logistic, strategic, and technical knowledge to autonomously own and control the future of their careers and enterprise.

By teaching developing communities how to host their vital information systems on local, low-cost computer systems - they acquire technical autonomy while learning an array of globally in-demand technical skills.
  • Website Hosting
  • Directory & Email Services

US based resources impart high-level technical skills to local personnel - which in-turn train members of their local communities.

Business professionals connect local employers with entities - both domestic and abroad -

US based resources provide program participants with the opportunity to gain experience by remotely contributing to real-world technical solutions.
Career Exploration

Leveraging the corporate experience of our international partners, partipants are presented with career exploration workshops covering multiple career paths and
Technology Training

The field of information technology is vast and can be challenging to find the best professional fit when just starting out.

Based on the objectives of industry recognized certificates, professional engineers lead students through a series of lucrative technology skills.
Community Partners

Sincerest appreciation for the community partners that make our mission possible.