Youth Career Exploration
Successful and fulfilling adult careers start with amazing youth experiences.
Our career exploration sessions connect students between the ages of 8 and 18 with information technology college majors as they explore an array of in-demand technology skills.
Our career exploration sessions connect students between the ages of 8 and 18 with information technology college majors as they explore an array of in-demand technology skills.
Adult Career Preparation
The field of information technology is vast and can be challenging to find the best professional fit when just starting out.
Based on the objectives of industry recognized certificates, professional engineers lead students through a series of lucrative technology skills.
Based on the objectives of industry recognized certificates, professional engineers lead students through a series of lucrative technology skills.
Community Enrichment
Technical skills are just part of a successful career; one's ability to plan around obstacles and communicate with others is the most valuable ability to posess in any situation.
Transitional Outreach
The field of information technology is vast and can be challenging to find the best professional fit when just starting out.
Based on the objectives of industry recognized certificates, professional engineers lead students through a series of lucrative technology skills.
Based on the objectives of industry recognized certificates, professional engineers lead students through a series of lucrative technology skills.